My mom keeps asking "What do you need for your trip?!". Half joking, I tell her 'Money". The total cost of the trip before supplies is 10,500. Supplies is roughly $400. Selfishly, I'm trying to limit spending/play money to around $400 to cover rare supplies I can't get here, gifts, wine, and the few meals we need, and additional entrance fees I may want on our "free days". (There is a reason we are "starving artists"!)

The list following include links of the exact items needed at the best price I could find (not that I am asking, but because I am being asked by others for this list!). IF you choose to have items shipped to me, please know that I appreciate the help, but it is important not to stray from this list due to traveling sizes and medium necessary is very specific.

Shared supply list used for both classes- Art in Italy 2011

- Bound Sketchbook, Moleskin suggested ( with watercolor paper) 5 x 8 see

 - Acrylic Paints in tubes; Black, White, Ultramarine Blue, Yellow ochre, and Burnt Sienna         

Watercolor supply list - Art in Italy 2009

- Travel Set of transparent cake watercolors (Pelikan 24 color set)

Derwent Pencils in a variety of earth tones (12 Pack)

Spring break is around the corner. Deadlines are basically yesterday at this point. Italy will be here in roughly 10 weeks.

Classes are running together. Projects are building together and working hand in hand.

Stress levels rising. Amount of sleep is falling.


Here is a not so public deal for you all to check in on projects and assignments (works of art sometimes).

-more later as always

ps. prayers are welcome!!!

I have decided to take part in the study abroad program open to art majors to go to Italy and Madrid. I don't exactly have all the funding together, but meanwhile I trust my prayers and hard work should help pay back the loans I'll take out for this chance of a lifetime! I'll be spending 6 weeks earning 6 credits towards my studio electives needed for graduating 2 years later.

The costs other than monetarily would be working hard now to have the money to cover bills and such things while I'm away.... and.... um.... maybe not getting an internship of which for I have no leads to date. (I'm seeing nothing wrong here. If you do let me know!)

I won't be able to study abroad outside of the summer due to the progression of the course layout of VisComm. PLUS, I'm told I'll see more in these 6 weeks than I could on my own or even if I put myself yet another year behind were I to take a full semester.

Things you could do for me:

1. Pray. I'll need to keep my grades as my priority. If you have seen me in the past year you know I'm pretty easily caught in living by the budget I set and making sure I account every penny. If nothing else, you would know that I work off my little hiney to earn my green! Pray will practice an ability to prioritize in a way that will benefit me best and whatever else you feel led to (of course)!

2. Write: please, please, please keep in touch. Words of concern, wisdom, love, encouragement, etc. usually take me farther than giving me $5.  I'll take the negative, too; I can handle it!

3. Requests. Naturally, if you have artwork you'd like me to play with and perhaps even donate towards my fund for the Italy trip, I'll do my best to cooperate in a timely manner. I'd love a side project! Anything to get me away from work and school!!!!!!!!!!!!!

4. Make a donation. As I start posting photos of my art work, if you see anything you would like, I would LOVE to give it to you! BUT in most cases, I'll ask for a donation to cover expenses of the work itself and a kicker for my Italy fund.

5. MISC. Sky is the limit guys! I'm not one to put anyone in a box so here is a means of creativity! *WIN: Nothing is totally an option! "Did ya see what I did there!?" *

I'll be gathering things for a gallery show hopefully between Thanksgiving and New Years (after finals) for an auction or something of the likeness. I will try to get bids up online because so many of those I love live somewhere outside of the lovely lines of the Delaware County limits.

I'm a busy gal, but know my heart, ears, and fridge is always open!
